
Signs That Shows That You Are A Stingy Boyfriend

The notion that relationship is not a job opportunity has turned some dudes into
becoming overly parsimonious; i.e, getting a kobo from them can be likened to
Benavat's refusal to put tigers in his kennel

In recent time, a great many dudes would make a boastful statement to their friends
that they have never given a kobo to a lady in the course of relationship and will
liken it to smartness, and that no lady can turn them into her source of finance
No matter how we try to embellish the word STINGINESS, it will never change the
fact that it's quite different from BROKENESS.
We do not have all day. Lemme keep the ball rolling

°°10 Signs You Are A Stingy Boyfriend°°

1. He Doesn't Buy Gifts

During (last Sunday), Youth and Singles programme in my fellowship, the guest
speaker, whose main thrust of discussion centred on relationship, said that some
guys are so stingy that even if they travel from Lagos to Ado-Ekiti to visit their
girlfriends, they will be empty-handed. He passes Ojota, he no buy bread; he passes
Ibadan, he no buy plantain chips; he passes Osun, he no buy akara. He would get to
his girlfriend's place and lie that he slept off immediately the bus took off and within
the tinkle of an eye, he woke up in Ado Ekiti garage. *Stinginess at Bsc level*

2. He Prefers A Rendezvous In Mama Benavat's Cool Spot

This reminds me of a dude whosaid that the favorite rendezvous for a lady who truly cares is local restaurants, because a lady who truly loves you sees it as waste of money taking her to Shoprite for shopping or Mr Biggs to eat or get ice cream on a date. * This is stinginess at PGD level*

3. He Talks Hurriedly On The Phone

Some penny-pinching dudes are so stingy that they are used to timing their call not
to pass a very wee time. He's so much concerned about his airtime that he will try as
much as possible to summarize all he has to say. However, when the lady in
question is making the conversation longer than expected, he will quickly find a way
to end the call and promise to call back but that will be (a few) days later. 😀

4. He's Happy She Will Never Ask Him For Anything

Virtually every guy wants a lady that will help economize his expenses and won't
mount financial pressure on him; but some are happier that their girlfriends have
never asked them for recharge card or other perishable parameters no matter how
she needs it. *Stinginess at Msc level*

5. I Can't Buy A Fone For My Girl

Some dudes are so stingy that when you buy your girlfriend a mobile phone or an
electronic gadget, you are being likened to a maga. They will crucify calling you all
sort of names. Personally, I see nothing wrong in it provided I have the money and
can afford it. *This is stinginess at 300L*

6. He Switches Off His Phone During Her Birthday

This sounds like an exaggeration but it's not. This reminds me of my former hostel
mate who switched off his mobile fone on his girlfriend's birthday; only what he did
was send 'birthday sms' and later lied to her that his phone had a flat battery, if not
he'd planned to give elaborated celebration. This is a bid to avoid spending or
getting her birthday gifts. *This is a stinginess at PhD level*

7. He Doesn't Pay For Her Fare

This has been a controversial issue since the days of Lord Lugard, and raised one
billion questions that should a guy give his girlfriend money for conveyance in a
taxi/okada?. In my feelings, I see nothing wrong with it. One thing that baffles me is
that, some dudes are so scrooge-like that they will call you a maga and will advise
you to stop giving her a penny each time she comes. *This is stinginess at HND level*

8. A Lady Who Truly Loves Me Will Not Ask Me For A Penny

People often say this but I do not believe in it. Not every lady who does not ask you
for money/gift is happy about it. I have come into conclusion that those who utter
this statement boastfully are close-fisted guys.

9. He Always Complains About Money

He blames the economy and GEJ for his low financial power. He will keep drumming
it to her hearing that things are so hard for him when in fact, they are not. This is to
send signal to the lady that she can't get a penny from him. *This is stinginess at
OND level*

10. FashionVevoites , feel free to add the last one

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