Love, above all else.
Love, above all else.
Hey Benavat's It's been a while! I hope this entry finds you well.
1 Corinthians 13:8 (AMP) says, "Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose
its value and be superseded by truth]."
There is no denying that a fresh anointing and outpouring has begun. God is doing something amazing; something we could never have imagined. He is moving things, and the whole world is preparing for His coming. No matter what we see now or what we experience as God restores and redeems His church, we have lost everything if we lose sight of love. Only love never fades. The Lord gives us gifts to serve a
purpose, but one day the gifts will become obsolete. Only love and truth will stand when all else passes away.
From now on God's hand will be clearly seen, but we must remain attentive to His heart. His heart beat is what sets everything in motion. We must remember that God's purpose for us has always been relationship with Him. Never become a spectator of what God is doing. Intimacy should always be central in our hearts. The temptation will be to look at God and only see the miracles. However, the Lord's miracles are the function (as are our gifts), but His heart has always been redemption. He heals
so that bodies and souls can be redeemed. He saves, He restores, He brings people back to Himself.
He is love. Our passionate resolve should be to never extract any part of God's work from the love that birthed it. Our ministry is meaningless if we inspire people with the amazing works of God's hand, but never introduce them to His heart. The pure ministry that testifies to God's heart must begin inside of us. We need to create a resolve in our hearts to put our relationship with Him first. Ministry happens
naturally when we are pure in heart toward Him. How can we lead anyone to know
His love and have a true relationship with Him, if we don't? In the New Testament, as the church began, the gospel was put front and center- why? Because it was not the gifts of God in them that led men to repentance, but the kindness of God displayed through His sacrifice (Romans 2:4). The gospel is the star here, not us. The
gospel is simply the love of God displayed. May our mission always be to make His amazing love famous. May all the glory go to Him and His great love, shown through His sacrifice.
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