Story: Selfless Desires (Part 2)
Uju was reading in the living room that many would described as a room with amazing architectural
designs, Few photographs were hanged on the wall, the floor was adorned with glittering tiles, that did
justice to the room by giving it an attractive look.
Engrossed, she was, that she failed to notice when Amaka, her elder sister walked in.
'Bookjunkie! You're writing SATS tomorrow, I guess?' Amaka asked with mocked politeness.
'Amaka!' Uju exclaimed and ran over to her and swept Amaka off her feet. 'I've missed you, I've tried your
number like a dozen times'
'Miss kwa? Just few hours, I was out? Caring sister, I hail o'
'You don't believe me, that's my problem with you, Amaka, I did call you though'
Collapsing on the couch, 'Thank you, Caring sis'
Uju smiled and stared at her sister for a moment, She wondered how she manage to look adorable with
less effort.
'How is Afam?' Uju asked.
'Uju! Uju! Uju! How many times did I call you? Please leave Afam alone, you're far becoming a rival, I don't
want a situation whereby I will be fighting for his attention, kindly reduce your niceness, bikonu' Amaka
said jokingly and smiled.
'He-he' Uju chuckled lightly 'so, you want me to hate him?'
'I didn't___guess who I saw today' Amaka replied.
Giving her sister a searching look, She smiled and said 'Jennifer Lopez?'
'Dream on! You're in mercury, I guess?'
'Alright, who was it?'
'Its Awesome'
'What? Which Awesome? Your Ex-bestfriend?'
'Mm-mmh' Amaka mumbled something, audible only to herself 'is there something like Ex-bestfriend?'
'So, how is he?'
'He's good, atleast from what I saw!'
'That's great! Let's go and prepare something' Uju said and dragged Amaka off to the kitchen.
Dreams are free, every living soul are opportuned to dream big, but making it a reality poses a big
problem. Many dreams had been shattered due to circumstances surrounding them, while some dreams
fought their way to become a reality, some didn't make it.
Such was the case of Amaka, she had nurtured the idea of being a Female Pilot,since birth. She was
inspired when she read the unathorised Biography of Chinyere Kalu, the first female pilot in nigeria, but life
has its way of twisting our desire, if you don't get what you want, it promises to get you something else.
The 'something else' came in form of a secondary school teacher for Amaka. It wasn't pleasurable at all,
stemming from the fact that it wasn't noble neither was it her dream work, to cap it all, it was a private
secondary school.
She had just retired from her last class for the day and slumped on her chair in the staff room, when her
phone rang. It was Awesome.
'Hey, Awesome' Amaka said weakly.
'Just hey?'
'Okay! How are you?'
'Your voice sounds somehow,anyways, I'm on my way to your school, are you chanced?
'Yes! Actually, I'm free for the day, and how did you get my school address?'
'Actually, I don't have yet, so I'm hoping you will send it' Awesome said pleadingly.
The last time, he spoke with Amaka on phone, Amaka had told him that she was a secondary school
teacher, Awesome, however didn't liked the idea.
'Alright, Smoosh' Awesome said and hanged off.
Amaka smiled broadly with her spirit up.
Awesome came as scheduled and decided to drive Amaka home. Gists flowed unencumbered in the car,
punctuated by chuckles and giggles from Amaka. The drive from her school to her house was filled with
Awesome had filled her with his scraps of stories while he was away in the states.
Amidst the good company Amaka was having, she suddenly looked pale, pangs of guilt and betrayal
occupied her mind, while the thought that moment was temporary sent her to Teary-land, as she was
trying to figure out,Why?. Awesome stopped the car abruptly, and regarded her with keenest scrutiny, he
looked intently in her eyes, he saw something burning fiercely.
And it happened, she was sobbing silently, trying to hold her breathe, but the sorry look on Awesome's
face told her she obviously failed. She was having hiccups every seconds now and waterfalls of tears
streamed freely.
Awesome looked at her in awe, he was able to see through the depth of her hidden pains and terror. He
knew her more than anyone. He held her hands and took full effect of her soft hands as it clasped his.
'Am I___' He stopped when he remembered he had done absolutely nothing wrong.
He heard her sniffed softly, and he froze for a second,. He knew she was glad to see him, so why the
'Sorry for being a Drama-Queen! It has nothing to do with you really, I just felt like I'm finally re-entering
my body,I just realised what I've been missing from the past few years___
'So, that made you all weepy and shivering?' Awesome blubbered out distrustfully
'No, you don't get it huh?' She asked.
Awesome was trifle disconcerted, he was confused at the moment. The moodiness of the atmosphere and
the great terror of the unspoken pain of Amaka, though it was temporary caused him to feel an
indescribable sharp cut through his heart.
'I'm billed to get married in Six months time' Amaka said amidst tears.
Awesome released his grip on her hands and turned away for the first time, He wished she didn't said it,
He wished, she didn't add to his terror. The terror of not having her to himself, He wished, he didn't went
abroad for his education. Maybe, just maybe, she might have waited. He took a very sharp intake of
breathe and looked at the amazing girl he loved!
How long he had been sobbing and staring into nothingness,He had no idea. Awesome had quick
memories of how they started in the beginning. It all started when Awesome and Amaka were selected to
act as lovers in their school drama. They were both nervous but managed to act the part well. That gave
both of them the needed push to communicate freely , Weeks later, Amaka was absent from the school,
and that period had been very horrible for Awesome,so, he decided to pay Amaka, a visit.
On getting to her house, he had met her all teary again due to the fact that her mother was admitted in
the hospital, and he had consoled her in the best way he can. He brought her some books and they read
together. Their relationship had blossomed into a great friendship, as they hid nothing from each other.
Most times, people had referred them as Romeo and Juliet, and Amaka had countered such people
politely. Things were this way until the day they had their sent-forth, where Awesome told a naïve Amaka,
that he loved her. Amaka didn't replied,but she mumbled some things inwardly and shook her head,
Awesome took it that she wasn't interested.
The outright rejection had made Awesome angry and instantly blocked his feelings for her, he angrily left
for the states without sparing Amaka a second. It was after he left that Amaka realised, she had made a
terrible mistake that was difficult to revert.
They lost contact for complete six years until fate brought them back together few weeks ago.
'I'm sorry'Amaka said and broke into Awesome's thought
'What? I'm just__why didn't you wait for me'
Amaka found that amusing and gave Awesome an Are-you-okay look.
'Wait for you? really? You left without a word, you didn't even say goodbye to me, how was I supposed to
'I was just angry because you didn't reply me when I said I love you, I thought you ain't interested and____
'I was naïve then, I don't know anything about dating or love, I was shocked actually'
'So, what do we do now?'
'I don't know,'
'So, just break up with him'
'I can't! Afam will die if I do, I don't think he can handle it'
'He loves you, that much?'
He knew that question had to be the dumbest in the history of mankind, who wouldn't be in love with
Amaka? She had a tender heart, easy-going and that!
'Much more!' Amaka replied
'And you love him too?'
'You're unbelievable!'
Awesome smiled when an idea struck him, the idea seemed good in his sight, but he had no idea how
Amaka would take it.
'Come and work in my company!' He blurted out. 'I mean since you___okay, not entirely my company, it's
my dad's,I want you to work there, I can help pull some strings together for you to be employed, I mean
you deserve more than teaching and if you don't……..
'Stop right there!' Amaka yelled, pretending to be offended 'Don't say it anymore! She roared.
Awesome was shocked. The idea wasn't that ridiculous. Why would she be angry?
As if reading his mind. She blurted out I'm right ahead of you, Thanks!'
Sighing,'You sure know how to keep people in suspense, its the little I can do for you' Awesome replied.
'Cool, take me home please!' She demanded and Awesome zoomed off.
'Describe me in a few words' Uju asked her sister, who sat down lazily on the bed.
Amaka gave a short laugh and said 'Why?'
Uju gave her sister a pleading look, She really want to know if the rumours they spread in her school was
true, She had written her last paper in her school (secondary school), but she was unhappy, stemming
from the descriptions her schoolmates gave her.
'I really need to know' She said calmly. 'And I don't care if it will hurt me or my feelings' She concluded.
'Alright, I will be blunt with you, Annoying nerd, lacks fashion sense, boring lifestyle, social-less life,
introvert, Religious-freak and so on'
All the truth of her position came flashing on her, and its disappointments, dangers, disgraces of all kinds
rushed in in such a multitude that almost knocked her down emotionally. She had to struggle for every
breath she drew.
It hurts her a lot, the answers struck her like a bolt of lightning, and she was devastated, and Amaka's
descriptions had struck a nerve in her.
She had always want to be the perfect girl, she always want to satisfy people, even at the detriment of her
'Thank you' She managed to say.
Amaka stared at her, she saw flicker of hurt plastered on her face, maybe she went too far with the
descriptions, She thought it was a playful question that deserves a playful answer.
'Um, I don't mean it that way!' Amaka replied
'Its nothing! I know what to do' She replied.
Her sent-forth party was coming up and she knew exactly what to do.
Work had been easy for Amaka. She had tried to prove that she could be efficient, She didn't want to
disappoint the Adedejis. She finally had the opportunity to test everything she had been taught in school.
Holding a Bsc in Economics, her work in the Research department was like a piece of cake.
In less than two weeks, she had adapt to the norms of her work, She had also made friends with few of
the staffs, but her closest was Dammy, who is actually mischievous in nature. They were both working in
the same department.
She felt a cold hands on top hers, and that slowed down the manner with which, she typed. She didn't
have to turn back to recognize the person. It had to be Awesome Adedeji. He had made it a point of duty
to always take her for lunch, despite her subtle resistance.
'Hey, you're not going for lunch, its lunch time' Awesome said.
'I don't feel like going' She said calmly.
'Um..nothing, I'm actually not hungry' She said and faced him. She noticed that he had something to say
from his facial's appearance.
'You have something to say! Let it out!'
'My mummy is celebrating her 50th birthday on sunday, and I'm officially inviting you, So, will you be my
'Sure! If you can take the gossip, I can too!'
'Thanks! Make sure you dress in White'
It was no news that he loved white dress with a great passion.
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