
Why Satan Worship Wasn’t a Club at Unilorin


I love you dearly, and that's why I'll tell you the challenging-to-understand things, the unconventional things- the biblical things.

There is a key to everything that you absolutely need to have established before you can perceive anything I am about to share… without it this information will do exactly what the enemy would want it to do- scare you, cause you to hate people, and make you dig a hole in your
own personal Christian-bubble. Basically… re-enlist some of the greatest attempts to defeat the church.

So be on guard as you read- Brush up on your Ephesians 6:10-18 and lets move forward… Did I say how much I love you?

The key to everything you're about to hear is the Holy Spirit.
"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." – 1 Corinthians 2:14
If you try to go at this from any other angle except for God's you'll get twisted and confused… and overwhelmingly fearful. Please protect yourself because this is the last thing the enemy wants you to know about the days we're in. Fear is not necessary. It is one of the only things the devil can use to
cripple us once we know the truth.

So do you know Who your God is? Do you know His power is greater than any other? Check? Let's move on

"…in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." -2 Cor 2:11 The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44). All lies are rooted in deception… so, he is the beginning of all deception. The deceived do not know they are deceived, because they are, by nature, totally deceived. I know this is super smart- hang in there with me. The Bible (many times) literally calls people who are
deceived blind . Do we know the significance of that word? Basically God is saying that those who have already "bought into" the lies of the devil have become incapable of perceiving truth.

"But their idols are silver and gold,
made by human hands.
They have mouths, but cannot speak,
eyes, but cannot see.
They have ears, but cannot hear,
noses, but cannot smell.
They have hands, but cannot feel,
feet, but cannot walk,
nor can they utter a sound with their throats.
Those who make them will be like them,
and so will all who trust in them." – Ps 115:4-8

Literally there are those who can see and those who cannot. This is why those who serve the devils purposes, for the most part, do it blindly. If you ask most people if they would worship and serve the devil (even non-Christians) they would say "Never, ever, never, ever, ever…. ever, never!" I mean come on- the guy kinda has a bad rap. Who would sign up for… evil?

Possibly the reason people will not willingly sign up for "evil" is because evil has been taught to us to be in the eye of the beholder… so we define it. Evil is what I feel uncomfortable with doing… not what is actually wrong. SO… who would like that? Who would do something they feel uncomfortable doing and
deem "evil"? I bet no one.

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." -2 Cor 11:14
The truth is, those who worship demons do so because they believe they are enlightened. They believe they have reached the greatest power on earth… because they are blind to God's power. They believe what they are doing is right- even 'righteous' and that's why they defend it like they're about to cure
cancer. It is "wrong" to stand against abortion, pornography, the sex industry, and drunkenness… after all- who are YOU to say the way someone else chooses to live is wrong?? Who are YOU? What a horrible and disillusioned person you are to restrict natural living! Do not infringe on my rights to practice evil- and if you must have an opinion have it quietly but do not help me see that I have adopted the attributes of my idols- I have eyes, yet cannot see. Ears, yet cannot hear.

Ultimately- evil is not defined by our comfort level. Evil is defined by holiness. Evil is defined by God- the righteous judge. Pornography is not evil because it involves pleasure. It is evil because it devalues humans, devalues sex, and perverts perfect pleasure. It is evil because it takes something holy and uses it as a weapon to destroy lives and freedom. God said it- and it will work the way He says. There is no
alternative- Practicing evil, whether intentionally with satan worship or unintentionally by signing up to demon slavery, will end in death. Death to the life God put inside of you. You will see it if you give it enough time to finish it's work in you. We have all hit a place where we realized that the price was too

This is what worshiping demons is like… they come in form of "enlightenment or progressive ideology"…
They come in the form of "whatever-makes-me-feel-good-is-my-master". They come in the form of signing the dotted line… to a lie.
The secret is that you are not simply meant to be a consumer of evil or of good- although the religious spirit's attack on Christianity has tried to emphasize that alone. The truth is you are created to be an instrument. The devil isn't simply after you buying into worshiping him and his ways. He knows that if you worship him you will be a slave to him… and God's image will be manipulated into being the devils

Inherently there is value on us (despite everything in our culture that says otherwise)… and it's not because of our resume. We have value because God created us. That's it. Every person choosing life OR death right now has infinite value. Our worship to the God who created us is priceless. Yet… we sell it cheap… on the alter of 'pleasure' and 'things' and 'fame' and 'the approval of man'.

We emulate the object of our worship. This is why those who worship God in Spirit and in Truth are full of life. This is why the lives of those who worship perversion and falsehood demonstrate decay. No life can come from any god other than the living God. If you have eyes, look around. I don't need to say much more.

Yet, the truth is you are called to be the heroes in the situation. Whether they acknowledge it or not the reason they get so upset when someone calls these idols out as deceptive is because they rely so heavily on them and find their identity in them. Just like a blind person will not see a cliff until they fall
in it, people under this level of deception will not recognize the lie behind these chased idols until they've fallen over.

°The devil has a plan and so does our God.°

The devil desires to deceive the masses by exposure and saturation of evil falsehoods… and then move on to a more strategic spiritual agenda when the great majority of people on the earth have closed their eyes willingly. He intends to target young people because they are impressionable, hold the highest population in the world right now, and are specifically anointed to usher in the coming of Jesus. Once
they are spiritually blind, he can use them as instruments… which they will sign up for because well.. they are blind. The trick is as old as he is.

Let me say this- God is setting young people free from even the most intense spiritual bondages without lifting a finger. He is WAY MORE POWERFUL than the devil's best attempts. The final battle wont be a waged war. It'll be the moment God has made up his mind. He is only waiting so that more can be saved… and so that His glory can be made known in more powerful ways in such darkness.

Clearly the devil has begun more explicit moves into coaxing us into his worship:
So I've said a lot about what satan is doing. What is God doing?
God is raising up a generation of warriors. Currently they are being anointed and raised up all over the globe- they are resolved, focused, and "tuned-in" to their Father's voice. They know how to use the weapons God has given them and they are currently in training to live in total obedience- as Christ did.

I've said this before and I will say it again… the world has never seen what is about to take place. There is a reason why the enemy is so hostile right now. He is killing children while they're still in the womb as an attempt to undermine what God is calling forth. Now is the time to be diligent. You know who you are if you've felt the call of God on your life. You know where you're at with Him. The Holy Spirit always lets us know when we ask. Seek God while He can be found (Isaiah 55:6) and pursue

Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). Those who lean into
the Lord during these times will not lack ANYTHING they need (Philippians 4:19). The enemy may have the main-stream but he is exhausted… and his followers are even more exhausted. Drink DEEPLY from the fountain of life (Ps. 36:9).

"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell." – Psalm 43:3

Seek truth above all else. Fill yourself with the Word so you will be able to recognize a lie from the Truth. Allow God to move in you and stir in you. There truly is no rest for the wicked… but there are thousands of perfect and trustworthy promises for those who serve the LORD (Isaiah 48:22).The book of Revelation is happening. I never in my life could have imagined the Bible being so clearly visible as it
is now in the world. Take each confirmed prophesy as encouragement that God has a plan and that even those promises remain true. And know… you are on the winning team. May this all fire us up in love, honor, and perseverance.

I speak blessings over you and think of you often I just love our family in Christ. This is not our home… so lets do what we were sent here to do. All for His glory. Forever.

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