
Opinion : What will your reaction be if you get a similar Traditional marriage list

1. 50 litres of hot drink
2. 7 he-goats for elders
3. 7 she-goats for the old women
4. 22 Jersey, 22boots, and 10balls for the youths.
5. 120yards of Nigeria wax for the young girls.
6. 30 tubers of yams and 40 sea fishes for the oldest men
and women in the family.
7. 70 cola nuts and 100 bitter cola.
8. One bull for the king and elders in council.
9. A sewing machine for the younger sister to my wife to be.
10. 5 tipper of sand and 7 tipper of bags of dangote cement
to renovate her family house.
11. Three gallons of 20litres of palm wine.
12. 5 white sheep for her elder and younger brothers.
13. 200 bathroom slippers for the villagers.
14. 20liters of petrol
15. 4 handsets for her other siblings
16. 10 cartons each of star beer,coke and
17. The father and mother's clothes with the sum of
18. 2 big boxes that will be used to park her clothes.
19. A white bicycle for her uncle.
20. when coming with the above items, come with
3 live cows that will be slaughtered for the traditional
marriage ceremony.
21. N400,000 for the Bride price.
22. Agreement to take her to PhD level.
Will you approve/be comfortable with
this type of list to be presented to your husband to be?
What will you do if you're given such a
list,will you go to this extent to marry the love of your life?

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