STORY: Sleeping With The Devil (18 +) Part 1
On that fateful day,I have just finished exams and
didn't want to go home with any of my close
buddies as usual.I stayed in school till around 5pm
in the school library,reading the left behind series
as my usual way of calming my nerves and soul
after a strenuous semester exams.
I came out through the normal school gate facing
one of the major roads in Aba(aba/owerri road).As
usual,the environs was bubbling with people
marketing their wares and other sellable
stuffs,vehicular movements were ever present, and
a brief view or gaze at the left hand side of the
main road presents you with two banks with
numerous peeps lining up to withdraw their cash
from the available ATM there.
I walked on to the point where I was gonna stay
and cross to the other side of the road and enter
keke to a trekkable point before entering my street
to my house.And that was when it happened,that
was when I saw her!
I have seen pretty girls in my life,heck,I have dated
pretty girls in my life and I am friends with many
more others,but none can compare to what lay
before me.
Is not that she is pretty that wows or amazes
me,but the distinctiveness And uniqueness of the
beauty,it was rare.I didn't help but notice this the
minute I took a glance at her,which made me take
another serious gaze again to certify my curiosity.
I wasn't the only one stunned,but mine was visible
enough that I just had to take a little walk nearer
to appreciate the rare beauty cuz I was sure I was
never going to see her again after that day.As I
was a step near her,it was as if she noticed and
she took some steps forward to cross to the other
side of the road.That was when I heard people
Shouting and screaming at the top of their
voices.Pretty wanted to cross the road knowing
fully well that there was an incoming vehicle on
heavy speed.I couldn't believe my eyes and didn't
even know when I rushed up to her(being the
closest to her) and forcefully held her back from
taking that final step that could have ended her
life,drawing her back with such force,she was
literally in my arms.The accident was averted!
Peolpe laid abuses on her as I was still holding her
very close to myself,even the vehicle came to a
stop and as the agbero driver came out from the
vehicle, he rained curse upon curse on the
girl.They were all saying the same thing,that if the
girl wanted to die,why make another take the fall?
I held the girl tightly,shielding her from people As I
made her follow me as I took some steps back and
walked on straight back to the school gate,and
made for the other road leading to the park..People
still watched us,and pointing in our direction,with
fractions of them gathered here and
All this while,I never talked to her,neither did she
talk to me.I never even stopped to think for a
moment about what I was actually doing,and why I
was helping the girl,and yet there I was holding her
hands firmly and she followed me without a word
and no struggling to free herself.
After walking off far enough from where the
incident occurred, I crossed the road with her and
we both entered Keke after she confirmed she was
going in almost the same direction as me.When we
reached where she will be alighting, she alighted
and after I told her I will pay for her,she said
"Thank You!",and left.
As I went home that day,the constant question on
my mind was "why would pretty wanna kill
"Michael!" I heard my name called out by Loveth
as I picked her call,angrily telling me if I have
forgotten our deal that I was gonna help her write
a carryover course that day.
This was the second day after that incident with
I immediately apologised to Loveth and hurriedly
rushed my brushing of mouth and quickly rushed to
school without even taking my bath. Why would I
do that? Yeah,your guess is right!
After that morning exam I took for her,she took me
to the school canteen.She ordered food for us both
and as relaxed to enjoy my meal,I saw someone
that looked like pretty pass by.I thought I didn't
see right and correctly so too.
I finished my meal and Loveth told me that she will
be travelling back to Delta state that Sunday,that I
should endeavour to find a means to come and
stay one full day with her before she travels..This
was a Thursday.I agreed and we both went our
separate ways.
I went straight to the admin block to see a friend
who works there and who had earlier told me he
has business for me as usual. In the admin
block,near the stairs to the upstairs, I saw
someone that looked like pretty again. I almost
approached her,but I cautioned myself first and
decided to wait a little to confirm if it was her.. It
was not her!
I went to a seat, sat down and told myself that its
just my mind playing tricks with me.
I banished the thought of pretty from my mind and
continued with my mission. After that,I headed
straight home and took my bath.
There was no light when I returned and so I kept
myself busy with my android phone.
I didn't know when I slept off. In that small sleep,I
woke up with a start and i could have sworn that I
heard pretty whisper to me,"help me!"..
The year was 2011.
On Saturday,after our usual morning 3-aside in my
street via playing of football,I took my bath,dressed
up and as I have already informed Loveth that I
was coming that day,I called her on phone to tell
her am on my way,that she should prepare for my
arrival.She replied and accepted in the affirmative.
I boarded a charter keke to her place cuz I didn't
want to step into the dirty waters of the roads and
streets leading to her place.
On the way their,I felt as though there was another
presence with me. it was overwhelming,but I
ignored it cuz the thought of Pretty has ultimately
left my mind.
When I arrived at her place,Dennis(her gay
friend ),was there but he was about going, so it
didn't bother me.
I was welcomed, we exchanged pleasantries and I
sat down and relaxed while she brought what she
kept for her visitor.
I ate,drank and thanked her.
* *******************************************
After about one hour with her on the bed chatting,
she said she felt like sleeping. I knew that was a
Why would she wanna sleep now? I told her that
maybe I should start going cuz am a bad
company,and she started laughing, and shouted
I was like what else na?
She obliged me to come and lie with her and tell
her certain things.I did.
I did cuz Loveth has told me before that she is a
lez,so I felt awkward as I was about to lay there
with her,knowing fully well that nothing was going
to happen.
She asked me if I know one certain girl like that,
and I replied in the negative.
She was shocked and visibly irritated cuz she did a
poor job of hiding her misdemeanor.
" why do you ask?" I asked her.
"cuz she told me she is someone very special to
you,and that I should not decieve you, if not she
will not take it lightly with me!" Loveth replied.
I backed off of my nearness to Loveth in that
I have only one special lady in my life,her name is
Amara and she is not in Aba!
To Be Continued….
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