
Two Easy Way to Increase Android Phone's Internal Memory with Link2SD Application

Most of the old generation Android phonescome with a ridiculous 200-400 megabytesof internal storage which begins to causeproblem after you install a handful ofapplications and games. Fortunately, there isa possible way to increase the internalstorage of your Android phone if you canroot it in any way.How Does it Work?You can't obviously increase your internalmemory literally. But you can allow yourAndroid to use some of your SD card'sstorage to use as internal memory to installapplications and games directly. This helpsyou keep your phone running at an excellentcondition as well as let you install as manygames and apps as you wish.To take advantage of this trick, we're goingto need two things:A rooted Android phone;Link2SD applicationRooted Android PhoneRooting Android phones is not a rocketscience. There is an instruction on rootingalmost any phone you want to root. Checkbelow links for the detail on how to rootyour Android device.How To Root An Android Device WithSRSRoot SoftwareHow To Root Tecno n3T3 & n7 AndroidMobile PhoneWhen you've successfully rooted yourAndroid phone, you're ready to move to thesecond phase.Link2SDBasically, Link2SD is an application thatworks best on rooted phones. It installs allthe games and applications (except systemapps that have to remain on the phonememory) on SD card's second partition (thatyou have to create) and link them. This way,you can easily install apps and games waybeyond that ridiculous 200-400 megabytes ofinternal storage your phone has. Anotherbenefit of using link2SD is that you will notlose any running application when youconnect the SD card to your computer.Because each time SD card is connected,only the first partition will be connected(mounted) to the PC leaving the secondpartition running smoothly on your device.So, let's begin by partitioning your SD card.Step 1: How to Create a secondpartition on your MicroSD cardA second partition on your SD card can becreated in two ways: via ClockWorkMod(CWM) recovery and via MiniTool Windowsapplication . For your convenience, I willcover both ways in detailed instructionsbelow.How to Partitioning using CWMRecoveryFirst, enter the CWM recovery mode. It'susually entered by powering off your phoneand powering on while pressing down volumebutton and the power button at the sametime until you see the following screen.Now, go to the Advanced Menu from CWMrecovery options.Go to Partition SD card option. Select extand 512 MB or 1024 MB. It's up to you howmuch space you want to give to your secondpartition.Now you'll see that your SD card is beingpartitioned. Wait a few moments. This shouldtake a little while.Once you see "Partitioning Done!" message,reboot your device and Restore your datafrom the backup you had taken beforeproceeding.Now, if you don't have CWM recovery onyour device or if you can't find Partition SDcard on your CWM menu, feel free to checkout this alternative way. You will need aWindows computer for the following tool towork.Partition Using MiniTool1. First you have to download Mini ToolPartition Wizard Manager. DownloadMiniTool Partition Wizard Home Editionfrom here.2. Insert your SD card to a Card Reader andopen it on your computer.3. Back up all your files to the computerbecause partitioning will wipe your data.4. Install and Open Mini Tool in yourcomputer. Locate your SD card (becareful in choosing and make sure not tochoose the drive on your computer)5. Right click and choose Delete.Right click on it again and select "CreateNew" on that drive letter.Select "Primary".If the size is less than 2GB, select filesystem FAT. If it's more than 2GB, selectFAT32.Do not select the whole card as partitionsize. Turn the slider to the left and leavesome space on "unallocated space". Thiswill be the second "EXT" partition on yourSD card.Now, choose the unallocated space againand select "Create New" and also choose" Primary".Now, choose EXT2 file system. You canlet the whole space take over in thisstep.Now, click OK and then click the Applybutton from the top left of the window. Itmight take some time for the operation tofinish.Once done, restore the data to your SD card.On Windows, you will always get connectedto the first partition of your SD card becauseWindows does not recognize the ext2 filesystem which is the second partition on yourSD card for installing apps and games.On Linux, though, make sure to restore yourdata to the drive that is significantly larger.Because your second partition is always thesmaller one and you don't want to fill upyour second partition with media files!At this point, you have just finishedpartitioning your SD card. Congratulations!Now you just need to configure Link2SD toconnect to this second partition and linkapps and games.Configuring Link2SDNow is the time to download and installLink2SD application from Google Play Storeon your Android phone. Once installed, runthe application. You may see a screenasking for Superuser Permission (rootpermission) the first time you run it. Makesure to select "Remember" and press Allow/Grant.Note that if you don't see this prompt, yourphone is probably not rooted. In that case,you have to Google on how to root yourphone! Without root permission, this will notwork.On successful launch after gaining rootpermission. Link2SD will ask you to selectthe file system of your second permission.We remember we set it as ext2. So, ext2 itis.Upon OK-ing, your device will need to berestarted.Upon restarting your phone, open Link2SDagain and a dialogue will show up. Press OKand click the icon you see on the screenshotbelow. Choose On Internal. This will show upa list of apps and games installed on theinternal storage of your phone.Now select options and choose multi-select.Then press the select all button. All of theseapps will be selected.Now, click Actions and then choose Createlink.Check all three boxes and touch OK.Link2SD will now take a little time to moveall these apps and games (except systemfiles) and create a link with them from thesecond partition of your SD card. Touch OKwhen done.Almost done! Now, to make sure that everytime you download something, it gets auto-linked to the second partition, do thefollowing:Go to settings from the Menu.Touch Auto Link.Check all three checkboxe and you're done.You'll no longer have to worry about theridiculously low internal storage on yourAndroid device.To see the storage status of your secondpartition, you can always go to storage infowithin Link2SD application.Other Things to Know1. Now that your SD card has been linkedas internal storage, remember never totake out your SD card because that way,a lot — if not all — applications will stopworking immediately.2. You can also choose ext3, ext4 or evenFAT as a file system on your secondpartition. However, ext2 works faster onLink2SD than any other file system.I hope you are already feeling way too happyfor making a purchase of an Android phonethat lets you do almost anything you canimagine!Are you happy with your Android purchase?Let us know in the comments and feel freeto share/like this post with your friends andfamily. Enjoy

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